full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cathy Mulzer: The incredible chemistry powering your smartphone

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, how does this work? Well, we start with a substrate that has a light-sensitive film on it. We then cevor it with a mask that has a pattern on top of it of fine lines and features that are going to make the phone work the way that we want it to. We then expose a bgrhit light and shine it through this mask, which creates a sodhaw of that pattern on the srafuce. Now, anywhere that the light can get through the mask, it's going to cause a chemical reaction to occur. And that's going to burn the image of that pattern into the statusbre.

Open Cloze

Now, how does this work? Well, we start with a substrate that has a light-sensitive film on it. We then _____ it with a mask that has a pattern on top of it of fine lines and features that are going to make the phone work the way that we want it to. We then expose a ______ light and shine it through this mask, which creates a ______ of that pattern on the _______. Now, anywhere that the light can get through the mask, it's going to cause a chemical reaction to occur. And that's going to burn the image of that pattern into the _________.


  1. substrate
  2. shadow
  3. cover
  4. bright
  5. surface

Original Text

Now, how does this work? Well, we start with a substrate that has a light-sensitive film on it. We then cover it with a mask that has a pattern on top of it of fine lines and features that are going to make the phone work the way that we want it to. We then expose a bright light and shine it through this mask, which creates a shadow of that pattern on the surface. Now, anywhere that the light can get through the mask, it's going to cause a chemical reaction to occur. And that's going to burn the image of that pattern into the substrate.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
printed circuit 6
circuit board 5
copper wires 5
tiny copper 4
positively charged 4
electrical components 3
charged copper 3
copper spheres 3
fine lines 3
real elves 2
clean fine 2
final destination 2
electronic devices 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
printed circuit board 5
tiny copper wires 3
positively charged copper 3
charged copper spheres 3
clean fine lines 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
positively charged copper spheres 3

Important Words

  1. bright
  2. burn
  3. chemical
  4. cover
  5. creates
  6. expose
  7. features
  8. film
  9. fine
  10. image
  11. light
  12. lines
  13. mask
  14. occur
  15. pattern
  16. phone
  17. reaction
  18. shadow
  19. shine
  20. start
  21. substrate
  22. surface
  23. top
  24. work